

Take Up Wellness

HI, friend!

Are you weary? Worn out? Weathered by the storm that’s raged the last few years?

I see you. 

You’ve worked so earnestly and so well. You’ve loved your people and met the challenges and slayed the dragons. You’ve been heroic. Really.

But it’s taken its toll. You feel it. Your energy is lagging far behind your aspirations. Your eyes are tired, and tears seem to spring up unbidden every now and then. Your body doesn’t feel as agile and aware as it once was. Maybe you’ve even acquired a few extra pounds that weigh you down and feel burdensome. You don’t want to be stuck here.

You just want to be well so you can keep on doing good

Me, too. I’m right there in it with you.

Let’s get well together.

Maybe you’ve spent years vacillating between the extremes. There have been seasons of trying very, very hard to DO all the “right” things: eating with great restraint and calling that discipline, running far and fast in order to check the cardio box, lifting weights (or babies and toddlers), pushing further faster to the point of exhaustion.

And there have been seasons of utter overwhelm. So absorbed and consumed by the needs of others, you’ve found yourself jumping from one demand to another until you are completely still, utterly burned out. And then, you sit more often than benefits your body, scrolling mindlessly or watching endless hours of something—anything—that takes you from your own thoughts.

Whether obsessing over or neglecting health, the real battle for wellness begins in your mind.

I can help you! I can help you change your thoughts and change your life. I can help you recognize that the evil one wants nothing more than to completely sideline you and make you physically and emotionally weak because that’s how best to make you spiritually weak. This is spiritual warfare.

Spiritual warfare happens on the battlefield of your mind. Sounds intense, doesn’t it? St. Thomas Aquinas has led the charge against the enemy, showing us how our minds are our greatest superpower. Our thoughts create our feelings and our feeling compel us to act or not to act. We can choose thoughts that shore up our mental fortitude and the rest of virtue follows.

I can show you to win the battle in your mind.

There is nutrition coaching. And there is fitness coaching. I can coach you in the kitchen. I can coach you at the grocery store or standing in front of the refrigerator. I can coach you as you walk or run. I can help you think the thoughts you want to think in any scenario. 

I can help you be well—body, soul, and spirit. 

And I can teach you to help yourself. 

It’s time to be well.

What does the Take Up Wellness course include?

- Weekly Zoom Discussions! Join Elizabeth and Micaela on Wednesday evenings from 7-8:30 PM Eastern Time. as we delve into wellness discussions that encompass both the deeply spiritual and the imminently practical. After an hour of solid teaching on multi-faceted holistic wellness, members have an opportunity to be coached on specific areas of concern. We will talk about nutrition and gut health, joyful movement, sleep, stress management, and so much more. The weekly Zoom sessions are recorded for those who can’t attend live.

-Countless Video Workouts at RevWell TV: You will have full access to RevWell TV, an online library of Christian workouts filled with Truth to train your hope and move you in God’s love. Every time you press play, you’ll experience something you can’t get just anywhere – a message of freedom. We’re not interested in skinny and ripped. We want you healthy, whole, and free! 

-Resources: Want to dig deeper than our weekly discussions? Boy, have we got you covered! Printable content, weekly blog posts, and emails provide enough content to keep you immersed in prayer and motivated to move.

What does it cost?

Take Up Wellness, our Take Up & Be Well flagship course costs a one-time fee of $149, which gives you access to the exclusive content in our expanded 4-month course. Additionally, you may find that your own copy of  The Wellness Revelation by Alisa Keeton will be a useful tool during our journey together. Resources to get the most out of the book will be provided along with Elizabeth’s teaching and our group conversations.

Our next course begins in January, so sign up now for our email list so you don’t miss out on the announcement!