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Welcome to the Lilies!


With this study, we will dig deep into the study of God’s words of consolation. Where is He when it hurts? 

Maybe this is a hard season in your life—you’re overwhelmed by the burdens weighing you down, the crosses the He’s asked you to carry.  You look heavenward and all you feel is… abandoned. 

This study will be for you. 

It is full of the consolations of the Holy Spirit. Here, you will find a guidebook to what God is saying, how He is encouraging you to lament, to pour out your grief and your fears and your anger. This journal acknowledges that in this broken, fallen world we do suffer.

Or maybe you’re in a sweet spot. Life is really rather good right now. You’re not feeling any particular strain. 

This study will be for you, too. 

In it, you find the words you need to console a friend, to empathize with the people around you who are suffering. I promise you, they are suffering. You are daily surrounded by people who bow low under the weight of grief, often without any outward sign of dismay. This study makes you a better friend to woman next to you, to the growing child who aches, to the spouse who despairs. And it buries words into your heart so that they are there, waiting, when the rain begins to fall. Because it will fall.

This study will be for all of us. We’re all in it together. 

And we’re really, really glad you’re here.

(Hint: if you are using your journals in a group, you’ll find that the conversation starters here every day also work well in a group setting. Find a girlfriend or two and share, either here, online, or there, on your couch. We've also prepared a special FREE guide for groups, complete with conversation starters for every week and recipes to make things more fun. Click here to get yours right now.)

The book is in stock exclusively at Amazon.com and shipping immediately.

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